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tv   ABC 7 News at 500  ABC  August 22, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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, for operating expenses at virginia beach rental properties. there is also a discussion of prior reporting of gifts and whether the governor intended to mislead people by covering up gifts and loans given him by jonnie williams. for adonnell arrived third day of testimony in his public corruption trial. mcdonnell said he was ready for another day. >> a very long day yesterday. how are you geared up for today? >> my job is just to get some of the questions, and that is what i am going to do. >> testimony centered around loans the governor received from former star scientific ceo jonnie williams. one was for $50,000. the second, later that year, was for $20,000. the money was to be used to
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expenses forng virginia beach rental properties owned by mcdonnell and his sister. his attorney asked about the nature of the money, his attorney saying it was a loan, not a gift. mcdonnell replied, yes. the defense attorney asked if mcdonnell that the loan was inappropriate. expenses for virginiahe answered -- testified that he did not believe he had to report the loan because they were made to a corporate entity and not to him personally. the former governor saying, if i had to report a loan or a stop or something, i was going to do it. wrappedll's attorney up his questioning late this afternoon. on monday, he will face his wife's attorney, and cross examination will begin sometime after that. suzanne kennedy, abc 7 news. >> this week has been emotional
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for former governor mcdonnell. at you can read for yourself the love letter he sent to his wife, begging her to help heal their damage marriage. >> the first few hours of the weekend could come with a dose of rain for parts of our area. >> we are getting used to that lately. with that last into tomorrow is our question. that is get a first look with steve rudin. the clouds, the showers, even a few rumbles of thunder will stick around. and of the weekend, it is looking a lot better. look at the chesapeake beach, maryland. winds are out of the north-northeast at 12 mph, but it feels like a t. we have seen a few scattered showers. not amounting to a lot, at least not so far. doppler radar shows central montgomery county, rockville toward gaithersburg and germantown, wet shower activity.
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this is slowly drifting toward the east at around 10-15 mph. we are not expecting any of this to become severe. this is what we have temperature wise. the cloud cover has kept temperatures down quite a bit. 78 degrees at dulles and 82 at reagan national. the same in fredericksburg. a lot of folks are heading out to the big baseball game tonight. could we make it number 11? theeratures will fall to 70's. eventually, overnight lows will be in the 60's. we will take a look at the next seven days. if you like lower humidity, you are going to love what is on the way. >> a montgomery county council member joining the push now for answers, after she saw this video, captured by an abc 7 photographer, of a county police officer grabbing a teenager by the throat. get videoht, let's and reactions you will see only on 7. hashat member of council
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sent a letter to the chief of police in montgomery county. while she waits for a response, she says the investigation is a transparent one. video that sparked outrage for some. for others, concern. >> i was curious as to why the young man was pursued after it was clear that merrill mana was not being smoked. >> sherri branson wants to understand what happened. ae sent the police chief letter where she addresses the potential excessive use of force. captured by an abc 7 photographer. police say they were responding to 911 calls, one complaining about kids smoking pot, another about a group of african-american [indiscernible] he was arrested for failing to tell the officer his name and
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for having a cigar. he did not have any drugs. abc 7 was recently denied access to the 911 calls. say theter, the police recordings are a confidential police record concerning a child , and may not be disclosed except by the order of the court. >> not having essential transparency with the review of the call, it causes concern. >> it is crucial the results of the investigation be made public. >> it is about people being able to trust and have confidence in law enforcement. his mother says she is pleased to hear the councilwoman's letter. she helped the facts are truly considered. a spokesperson for the chief said he has received the letter, but will not, and that will not comment -- but will not,
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comment until he has a chance to talk to the councilwoman. >> ferguson, missouri is hoping for the best. the streets were quiet, with police making seven arrests. the funeral of michael brown scheduled for monday. his shooting by a police officer sparked days of protests and looting. today, we learned the makeup of the grand jury considering the -- six -- six white when white men, three white women, three black women, and one black man. a special on the issues raised by the outrage in ferguson begins at 7:00 on our sister station, news channel 8. you can also watch it streamed out >> police canvassing a neighborhood for clues in the death of 17-year-old amber stanley, shot and killed in her bedroom two years ago today. the case is still open, with no
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suspects in custody. elise talked to members of the community and handed out flyers. police are offering a $25,000 reward to anyone with information that could lead to an arrest. >> criticism is going of the white house amidst claims it did not act quickly enough to save murdered american journalist james foley. we learned the white house is considering foley's death an act of terror. scott rubin is tracking the developments. >> a suggestion the u.s. needs to take a closer look at its approach to hostage negotiation. the white house is reassessing the destructive reach of isil. earlier this year, president obama described them as a junior verse 18. nobody would say that now, especially those who have been in the thick of the fight. thelaiming to be one of first green berets on the ground in afghanistan after 9/11, and
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25 years in the trenches, scott neil talks about the crisis of american hostages. >> machines were moved in the night. the execution was flawless. nobody was killed. the bad guys unfortunately were not there at the time. >> he says the gruesome murder has certainly up the ante, but it should not discourage the next rescue attempt. >> when you have new leaders, new political decision-makers, they think this was a failure. it may not attempt to this kind of bold action again. >> with at least seven more americans being held, some, including foley's family, wonder if the u.s. could have done more. >> we have used all the diplomatic resources we can bring to bear to try to find out where our hostages are, to try to rescue them. >> many say paying ransom like the $130 million demanded for prisoner swaps should be
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considered despite u.s. policy. wilson says that encourages hostagetaking. the only answer is to decimate i sil, not just with weapons. >> where the u.s. has been able to encounter them is in the virtual space. >> he is talking about a campaign of perception, meaning countering how the terror group is recruiting westerners online into joining the jihad. another argument -- while the u.s. says it will not negotiate with terrorists, the president did approve the prisoner swap to rescue army sergeant bowe bergdahl, so that debate will continue. >> the obama administration is offering new accommodations to religious nonprofits that object to covering birth control for their employees. the measure allows those groups to notify the government rather than their insurance company that birth control violates their religious beliefs. the governor is extending an
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existing accommodation to for-profit companies like hobby lobby that is currently available just to nonprofits. park is now open in northeast washington on what would have been the singers 70th birthday. sam is there live to give us a look at what is happening out there. a party out there today. >> indeed, it was a big party. the big crowds are gone now. they left this wonderful mural. with eventsle mural from chuck brown's life. , the shot of the capitol, where he had his famous concert with the national symphony orchestra. do it well, or, don't do it at all. everyone had a great time today. >> how do you celebrate what would have been the 78th
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birthday of adc music icon? with music, of course. they came with umbrellas and danced in the rain for the dedication of the chuck brown memorial park. in theas always community. he always gave back to the community. chuck brown is d.c. >> he made people happy. >> it don't mean a thing if it ain't got the [indiscernible] >> in addition, there was an abstract sculpture with the check image on it. his family said he would have loved it. -- haveuld've allowed loved a street named after him. he would have loved this, because this is overwhelming. >> i wish he was here to see it. >> he spoke with chuck brown three years ago as he was turning 75, and he made light of his popularity as fans came running. peopleears ago, the only who knew -- >> chuck brown died nine months after that interview.
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linning for this part began almost immediately. the fans came today, ready to smile, ready to party, ready to remember an icon. >> we are back live at the other park, where there is this abstract sculpture. you can see chuck brown monster all of this. wind me up,d " chuck." been coming here all afternoon. it is right next to the road. stopping to take a look, take pictures. and remember chuck brown. >> very cool. >> it actually is very cool. >> it is really pretty. next, the war cost him his limbs. fire cost him his home. coming up, what the community is doing to give back to this wounded warrior. >> we have heard testimony from former governor bob mcdonnell
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questioning his own wife's mental state. how is that strategy going to work? >> from coast-to-coast,
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>> said news from minnesota, hase d.c.'s famed snowy owl died. it was found that far away from the raptor center. the raptor center believes a car hit the owl and killed it. it was hit by a bus in d.c., underwent treatment and rehabilitation before being released, and unfortunately was not successful. >> homes flooded. roads washed away. the past 24 hours have seen extreme amounts of rain from coast-to-coast in the u.s. >> the problem goes beyond flooding. incredible images to show tonight. >> water, water just about everywhere. in less you are out in california, where it was dust, or washington state, where it was mud. a rolling storm across the california desert. that's what it sounds like
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inside this wave of sand and dust near palm springs. it's a weather phenomenon known boob, a combination of wind and dry conditions. in washington state, flash floods and heavy rain. same earth was scorched earlier this summer by wildfires. >> i cannot believe how big the roominess. >> across the country, flooding from chicago, where the windy city turned into the watery city, to indiana. more than nine inches of rain in some parts, from carolina to pennsylvania. >> i have never seen that number of streets being flooded. was probably the most intense thing i have ever seen. ankle-deep to knee deep, depending on where you were standing. water, more than four
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inches in 90 minutes. >> this is just unbelievable. >> for many, the cleanup will be long and costly. >> many areas are not out of the woods yet. >> it seems like there is almost no in between, except where we are right now. had a wet center, and now we have a few showers out there. nothing like yesterday. improving conditions. that is the best thing i can give you for the second half of the weekend. bag.ed we had outside right now. sunshine trying to make it through. enoughshine may add just to destabilize the atmosphere, to allow a few more showers. as the sun sets a little bit
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before 8:00 tonight, most of that should settle down. 81 degrees at reagan national airport. feelsw point level why it sticky and uncomfortable, at 70. big game tonight at nationals park. be forewarned, we may find pop-up showers developing over the next hour or two. the history we have seen with the showers -- they have not moved very quickly. 80 degrees, just a touch of rain this afternoon. at 74 and rockville, they picked up a quick 10th of an inch of rain. this is from the slow-moving thunderstorms or showers that have become heavy at times. in manassas, 83 fredericksburg. lexington park now at 79 degrees. eventually dip further south.
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the stationary part that has not moved all whole lot over the last few days moves to the south. improvinging to bring weather conditions as soon as tomorrow, into tomorrow night. will see more sunshine, lower humidity, and temperatures well below average for this time of year. pop-up showers and thunderstorms will stick around for at least another couple of hours or so. i do not expect them to amount to a whole lot. most of the activity has come to an end at least right now. you can see what is going on across central montgomery county. here is the cell over north potomac. this is the one that brought a 10th of an inch of rain to rockville over the past 45 minutes or so. this is steadily drifting off toward the west. to the next hour. this is futurecast has removed
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through the next 48 hours. we will keep a few showers overnight and into the day tomorrow. at least 30-40% chance of showers. evening hours of saturday into early sunday, wind out of the east. that is going to bring cooler air. we will look for sunshine on sunday. lingering showers overnight -- wins will be out of the east, 3-8 mph. through the day tomorrow, mostly cloudy. scattered showers. maybe a rumble or two of thunder. northeast, the 10-15. it is going to be beautiful monday and tuesday. comfortable temperatures. if you like the heat, like the humidity, we will get it back. we are talking ties back into the upper 80's to near 90 degrees.
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tomorrow will be the gloomiest of the weekend. sunday looks fantastic. >> i just like the drive. whatever it is going to be, make sure it is drive. >> i like that idea. togethermmunity comes in a big way for a wounded veteran. >> plus, a warning about a brand of beanbag chairs blamed for two children's deaths. >> a risky strategy in the mcdonnell trial, pinning the blame on virginia's former first lady.
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>> as we and the third week of the corruption trial against bob mcdonnell, it is clear the defense is focused on problems, marital and otherwise, it is all blooming on his wife. >> we are wondering how women react to the seemingly endless attacks against the former first lady. rebecca cooper joins us with the pulse of the community. >> this is a dangerous defense strategy. especially with four women on this jury of 12 people. his testimony and defense witnesses all content he did not know his wife was taking so much money from jonnie williams, and could not have known, since his marriage was unstable, even hinting the first lady may have
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been unstable as well. electedcdonnell was with strong support from female voters throughout the commonwealth. throughout his trial, in polls and online, fenty of women say they still support him and believe in him. but today on the streets of northern virginia, we could not find a single one who thought testifying against his spouse was the right have to acquittal. .> it sounds stupid it is an excuse to blame someone else. to beon't think it needs addressed specifically to women, but as a human being, ratting on someone you care about does not appeal to me. i do not believe that to be an admirable quality. >> it was a lively discussion over lunch. >> i think it is live -- is cowardly. on should not throw their spouse underneath the bus. >> this council member says he is reserving his opinion on guilt or innocence, but he says
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it has been painful to watch the former top elected official discuss angry private tirades at home. >> it must be so hard for them not only to deal with it, but it for it to -- but for it to be broadcast all over the media. the governor under virginia state law, prosecutors have to prove not only did the governor and his wife knowingly take gifts and large sans -- sums of money, but did so in exchange for official acts. we will have to wait and see. >> thanks, rebecca. ofing up, a father accused leaving his children locked inside of a car as he drank inside of a bar. what happened when people inside found out what was going on outside. who special working woman cared for the elderly at the age of 90. who severely injured vet lost everything in a fire one week ago
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captioned by the national captioning institute >> an outpouring of support is providing hope to a disabled veteran and his wife who lost their homes to a fire. neighbors ran to the rescue when their gaithersburg home caught fire. strangers came and rescued them. people they do not know may provide them a new home of their own. tonight, the story.
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stephen? >> they are in temporary housing here at walter reed, the same place they came after captain flip klein was injured in afghanistan in 2012. to go to a newt home, a home of their own, thanks to an overwhelming showing of generosity. raged through their home, they lost everything. grief combined with gratitude for the neighbors who raced to pull them from the inferno. >> thank you so much for helping a bunch of strangers. >> today, captain flip klein, who lost both legs and an arm in afghanistan, checked out new specially-equipped trucks. just a week after a fire, he is full of hope again, and anticipation for a new life and home.
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>> it is just amazing to me that all these people who came through in such a real way to years ago -- here they are again. a nonprofit which helps severely injured veterans put the clients at the head of its list for a new smart home. the heat, therol light, the air-conditioning, the doors opening and closing. if he wants a glass and is in his wheelchair, he does not have to say, can you get that for me? >> all donations from now to september 4 will go directly to the client -- the kleins. >> i am struggling to figure out what i have. i am not worried about the loss anymore. i am kind of balance out what i have. >> they have been flooded with thousands of dollars of donations in the last couple of days. the dogs also escaped the fire, but cannot be with them at walter reed.
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one thing they are looking forward to is getting their dogs back. >> congressional lawmakers freaked campaign contributions from many different lobbying groups. >> some people think about how some of those done nations might affect u.s. environmental policy. >> environmental issues are not just big news -- it has become big business. a whole the industry as spent more than $14 million lobbying congress for a variety of causes. >> it is kind of a game. i wish it was not. sawyer, aom businessman and billionaire who started "nexgen climate." he is planning to spend $100 million, including $50 million of his own money, to make climate change a major issue in his next election cycle.
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he is already attacking some republican candidates about environmental issues. >> how much would i spend to make this what i believe it is, the most important issue in the minds of americans? >> in the 2012 election cycle, environmental groups spent nearly $16 million in campaign contributions to candidates. 91% of the money went to democrats. peter believes there is a bipartisan problem that needs to be fixed. >> i think every individual should look online and see what their congressman is invested in. ascertain whether that affects the way they are voting. >> the money being donated is significant, but there are other organizations donating big box for their causes as well. in 2013, lobbying on capitol --l totaled $3.2 million
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$3.2 billion and reflected a range of industries. manager --d >> he is invested in hedge funds that would benefit from the program he is pushing, which is a national initiative that relates to climate change. correctly contacted tom stier for an interview. styer for aned tom interview, but never received responses. that information was compiled from a group called open secret, which gathers data using government accountability office and congressional reports. we have placed a link on our website for you to find what other industries and interest groups spent on their lobbying effort. >> nice friday afternoon for a drive. problems out there as well.
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just after telegraph road, there was a crash. by, butis getting heading for the wilson bridge. otherwise, 95, headed into stafford county -- a crash earlier northbound in .redericksburg area traffic doing ok. eisenhower on the left side. on 301, traffic is stopped with the crash. slow getting up into germantown. heading out to the bay bridge. no problem getting out there at all. little if any delay. have a great weekend. quick see you next week. alert.up, a consumer what you need to know about beanbag chairs being recalled after deaths. >> a 90-year-old woman who works
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as a caregiver. what drives her, next. agan update
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>> at the age of 90, tonight's working woman says her greatest accomplishment came just this year, when she was recognized by her peers for her outstanding work. mary hartsock is helping those in need. >> this is 90-year-old mary hartsock. she is a caregiver, helping people like lloyd davis, who is wheelchair-bound. they are the same age, but mary is often much older than those she cares for. when she gets new clients, the first thing mary does is sit either bed and ask questions. one shovel of coffee, or two spoons? >> it is that personal care that prompted the company mary works for to name her the national caregiver of the year. she was chosen out of 15,000 people. >> i am so happy.
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>> it is often strenuous work, scrubbing bathroom floors and tubbs, cleaning the kitchen, vacuuming, and doing laundry. she has been a caregiver all of her life, raising her siblings after her mother's death, running a childcare in her home, and caring for her husband during a long illness. sick, a does make me feel -- i am happy about that. >> at 90, mary shows no signs of stopping. going to stop? well, i guess i'm going to -- job 10 years ago and has never missed a shift. even when her power was out and her home was flooded during hurricane sandy. want you to ever
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retire. you keep on trucking. love that. happensp next, what when a bar full of people finds out a man in drinking water children -- his children in a car outside. >> a new push to try to end domestic violence.
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>> there is a growing push to stop domestic violence before it starts. >> he comes after a deadly week in our area. a father brutally murders his three-year-old daughter after shooting her grandparents. a woman is found dead in her home, her boyfriend charged with murder. yesterday, a man was murdered in ex girlfriend's arms, her husband the alleged shooter. >> he came from the side and shot him again. >> it is a case of domestic violence. one case had been going on for years. abused not report that and admits even when she got a
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protective order against ex-husband robert, she did not report violations. the prince george's county state attorney says that is a common mistake. >> many of the victims who come court, who will file charges, we have a large number who never returned to court. >> she also has a message for offenders, usually men dealing with stress and depression. >> whatever the issues are, it does not make you weak to let us know you need help. >> there is a campaign to stop the silence and i'll 211 -- and dial 211 if you or anyone you know needs help. >> someone picks up and will connect the person with every resource may be. >> the domestic violence unit team that gets involved in every domestic violence call police handle. the bill the file and hopefully spot patterns and prosecute before a situation goes too far. >> is it going to take time? of course it will.
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>> she says the effort is more important than ever after such a violent week. abc 7 news. ask a father is behind bars after leaving his children alone in a car for four hours while he was drinking in a bar in florida. ofwas arrested south gainesville on three counts of child neglect. concerned bar patrons discovered the three children screaming inside the car and honking the horn. when you arethat looking at them and they are crying to you that they are hot, do the right thing and get them out of that situation. >> three bouncers stopped the man as he tried to drive off intoxicated with his children in the car. the lycée another person at the bar who was upset punched the long -- -- delong. >> we turn to a consumer alert.
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they recall of more than 2 million beanbag chairs after two children died -- a three-year-old girl and a 13-year-old boy unzipped the bags, climbed inside, and suffocated. the chairs were sold in stores including walmart and they recall of more than 2 million beanbag chairsthere is e repair kit to stop those zippers from opening. you can order one on the company website. >> american airlines is increasing the charge for minors flying alone, an additional $100 for unaccompanied minors under the age of 14. right now, it only applies to children in 11 or younger. delta charges $100, while southwest charges $50 each way. >> new information in a watchdog investigation. hundreds of military families are waiting to learn what a transport company did with their
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vehicles. police officers left without paychecks. those stories and more tonight at 6:00. >> overcast skies for a while, it appears. is there any rain in those clouds? >> some of those showers may linger into the evening hours. the beach forecast -- a lot of folks getting into the weekend a little bit early. this is what it looks like. , a little bit of blue out there. not a bad day at the beach. a call for improving forecast for ocean city, max head, and hatteras. a few pop-up showers. maybe an isolated rumble of thunder. temperatures generally in the upper 70's to lower 80's. we will see more sunshine with high-pressure overhead, and temperatures in the 70's. for tonight, we are going to call for evening temperatures to
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drop into the 70's to lower 80's. you may see a few scattered showers, especially if you are out for the ballgame. 79 at dulles. 81 in winchester. 81 in frederick, maryland. the showers more numerous earlier this afternoon. you can see how they really fizzled out. we cannot take them out of the forecast across western maryland. of westth the panhandle virginia. overall, the outlook is slowly improving conditions over the next 24 hours. overnight, 67-72 degrees. highs tomorrow, well below average. and sunshine returns on sunday. highs around 80 degrees. and the trend going monday tuesday, with temperatures in the lower 80's. once we get through tonight and tomorrow, it gets a lot better. >> thank you. we are the only folks who cannot be satisfied with a perfect 10.
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>> i love it when you call her a 10. the surging nationals are on the verge of their longest win streak in franchise history. they start a three-game series with the san francisco giants tonight at the ballpark. as the boys of summer get ready for fall, i say enjoy the ride. >> how can this keep happening? >> 10 straight wins, and five of those have been walk-offs. the washington nationals are the hottest team in baseball. that does not do them justice. >> it is pretty awesome. it is exciting. >> the winning streak matches the franchise's best and has propelled the nationals to a seven-game lead in the national league east. >> it is certainly not to plan, but does that matter? it does not. we want to win. >> the final result has been the same -- the taste of victory. washed down with a gatorade bath. >> somebody else has made a big
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play, gotten a big hit. >> m added bonus -- manager matt williams will pay off on a bet to impersonate babe ruth. during his playing days with the giants, lyons did his best. but you may need to wait a while. until --t have to wait a promise is a promise. at some point, somewhere. i cannot tell you where it will be. see it some wait to more. a big day for redskins fans. the welcome home luncheon is always the fan favorite. back in the day, i am see this event. this event.ed deangelo hall won the defensive honor. it was all very festive, and a good time was had by all. has been wrapped up.
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johnny manziel has been fined at least $12,000 for giving half a salute to the redskins bench. $12,000 -- that is expensive. >> a quick reminder, abc 7 will .how the redskins pregame >> we are going to me moving around. we will show you the lineup. series is going to be on the live well network.
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>> sunday marks the 200th anniversary of british troops setting fire to washington during the war of 1812.
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a schooner is docked at the washington navy yard and is open to the public. >> the pride of baltimore is a 1812-era privateer schooner used to disrupt british shipping during the war of 1812. >> privateers were about a third of the fleet but caught almost half the chapters. >> to monday, you can step aboard to see it for yourself for free. >> it has an engine, and how it worked. >> 200 years ago this sunday, the british marched on washington after their victory at the battle of bladensburg. >> to add to the insult, they burned the capital, burned the white house. >> the captain spends the time going around setting powder
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trails so all the buildings can ignite. >> the navy yard commandant set fire to the navy yard before the brits could come in and steal supplies. to brits then arrived and ignited it again. 1812 exhibitar of just opened at the u.s. navy museum and the navy yard. you can learn all about what happened on this weekend 200 years ago, as well as the british attack on baltimore the following month. the american victory inspired francis scott key to write the star-spangled banner. >> it is great for the navy to have that reminder of our history and our heritage. >> you can impress everybody at the party this weekend. >> exactly. >> the pride of baltimore is going to be open tomorrow and sunday from 10-5, and monday from 1:00 to 5:00. special cannon salutes take place. that should be fun to hear. >> very interesting. like that is it for abc 7 news
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at 5:00. >> but the news at 6:00 begins right now. >> live from the abc seven broadcast center, this is abc 7 news at 6:00, on your side. >> an update to a watchdog investigation we have been following for weeks that involves hundreds of military emily's who have been wondering what a transport company did with their vehicles. >> our team has been looking for answers. more of your money being spent to solve the problems. we are joined live with what josie has learned. >> not only is the military going to have to reimburse families for rental cars as they wait for vehicles, they are also stepping in to do the job they paid a company hundreds of millions of dollars to handle. a military transfer brought jen and her family back to the states. a military contractor was supposed to bring their car. >> it seems like a gamble. you might hear tomorrow it is
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here. you might not here for a month. >> a company called international auto logistics holds all the cars, with the families left in the dark. they still have no idea where their car is. it was supposed to join them for weeks ago. >> we want to make sure the car is ok and not damaged. 3000facebook page with members shows they have plenty of company. an internal army e-mail confirms how large the delays have grown. whichage shows ial, started moving vehicles for the feds in may, has more than 14,000 cars in transit. approximately 70% of them are already past the required delivery date. the army is now picking up the contractor's slack. a 309 andding ial dollar contract, a team of -- $300 million


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